1928 American LaFrance 112RC PWT Pumper
This truck was purchased by the museum in 1994 after it was found it in a field in Missouri.
Built in Elmira, NY by American LaFrance for the Lawrence, Kansas Fire Dept.it was restored from the frame up between 1994 - 2003.
RC PWT stands for Rotary pump, Chain drive, triple combination pumper: Pump, Water & water Tank.
This ALF is a reliable crowd pleaser at every car show and muster we attend. We must station a volunteer to be with the truck at all times since the temptation to climb on it for photographs is so intense for onlookers. We love to show the trucks and tell the story, while balancing the importance of keeping it in running, showroom condition.
Like most of our other trucks, this one would start up and run for the next local fire call if needed!

At it's first show, the 2003 regional VMCCA show held in Estes Park

Nearly complete, following an afternoon test drive through
beautiful Estes Park.
This great story came to us after the airing of our Ultimate Restorations episode:
Last night my wife and I watched the Ultimate Restoration TV show about your restoration of the Ahrens Fox fire engine. During the program the camera caught a split second view of an engine hood that said Lawrence on it. That got my mind working so I looked you up on the internet today and sure enough you have the 1928 American Lafrance engine from Station No. 2 in Lawrence, Kansas. I went to Kansas University and by my last school year 1959-60 I had run out of money. A friend of mine and I got a deal to live in Fire Station No. 2 for free in exchange for keeping the second floor clean and tidy. Our small room on the second floor contained the brass pole. The adjacent room was the dormitory. An alarm during the night would bring the firemen crashing into our room and down the pole. If we were in the building and available we were expected to go with the crew, but not officially obligated. The equipment consisted of the 1928 engine you now have and a "new" 1934 American Lafrance. We always took the new truck with the old truck just being in reserve. I have often wondered what happened to that equipment since the old fire station is now just stores. When I got a glimpse of it on TV my heart skipped a beat. On one call that I remember, we got the 1934 stuck in the mud and had to get a ride back to get the 1928 to use at the fire and pull the 1934 out of the mud. It was hard to get into the driver's seat due to the location of the shift lever and brake handle. The siren was foot operated, driven from the flywheel, and its pitch and volume were dependent on the engine speed. And the chain drive was unique. But I'm glad to see it has found good care in your hands.
Thanks for the memories!
Dan Turner, Georgia.
The 1934 truck Dan refers to was a Master Series American LaFrance which was sold at the same time as our 1928. That truck was resold later and it's whereabouts are not known.