It's a small world
January 18, 2012
The first part of the clipping sent to us that features our '32 LaFrance (on the left)
It used to be a pleasant surprise every time a stranger would walk into the shop, or drop by a car show or fire muster and say: "I remember when I worked on that truck", or "pumped that truck" or "my father/brother/uncle worked at the station that truck was at"..... It happens so much any more that it's not a surprise when you see him coming- with a sparkle in his eye as he fancies the glimmer of the bumper or looks a truck over from front to back and has a story on the tip of his tongue...
That's just what happened last summer when a man came along and confessed that he had pumped our '28 LaFrance at her last major fire back in the 60's... and better yet, he said he knew of film footage of his father training with the very same truck in the 40's ( ! ). Wow !
Of course, Doug took this man for a ride on the truck and listened to the stories he told.
It was another pleasant surprise when the same man mailed an article to us recently with a picture of the truck and a story about it being sold by the department. It was a real bonus when he shared a link to the video of our truck (among others) being used for training by the Lawrence (KS) fire department. (LINK TO VIDEO: - see our truck at the 24 minute mark)
So, although it's not as surprising anymore to hear someone that knows a truck personally- it is always a pleasure to actually hear the first hand (or second hand) account of the old days.
Keep those stories coming! We love to hear 'em.
The second part of the clipping (the 3rd section was lost) that describes the trucks being sold, and their last assignments.

Posted by Mark. Posted In : Truck stories